By transforming the lead of your personality into the gold of your higher self,

you are now finally ready to manifest your „physical and material“ gold.



The word manifestation comes from the Latin and means “to make something visible” or “to reveal”. Due to the general universal laws and in particular the law of attraction, we are able to manifest situations and results in our lives.

The more difficult and therefore decisive message here is that we are constantly manifesting, whether we want to or not. Consequently, we influence our reality with our unconscious thoughts, desires and feelings, even if they are darker, lower visions.

Therein lies the curse, but at the same time the recognition of the solution: by transforming our thought and behavior patterns, we are able to raise our own vibration and the frequency of our energy and thus consequently manifest successfully.

By transforming the lead of your personality into the gold of your higher self, you are now finally ready to attract everything into your life that vibrates at the same frequency as your thoughts and feelings. This allows you to consciously influence your reality and thus achieve the results you desire, your “physical and material” gold.

Through inner freedom, you manifest outer, material success and wealth, financial freedom. You can now celebrate and honor holistic abundance because your ego is no longer attached. You are now completely transformed on all levels.



Every intention sets energy into motion, whether you are aware of it or not.Gary Zukav